Thursday, June 19, 2008

Parade Day

Does anyone else think us fans are getting a bad rap around here? I mean, ok, so a few drunken Celtic fans tipped over a flowerpot in Fanueil Hall and some real morons smashed some windows on Canal St. I work in Boston everyday and I walk through Fanueil Hall every morning. If I didn’t know better, I would never have guessed that “mayhem” had occurred there about 7 hours before. I am yet to see what has been described as the “trashing of Boston’s downtown”. A few benches were knocked over and in total; about 23 people were arrested for various minor crimes around the city, mostly for public drunkenness. Call me crazy, but I would expect a whole lot worse. I mean, I’m surprised Red’s statue is still even in Fanueil Hall and not in some Northeastern dorm room right now being prepared to be used as the ultimate bong.
The most headline worthy story from this night of drunken “revelers” is that some guy People magazine said was one of the “most eligible bachelors” got caught peeing in public. Peeing in public is hardly a crime reserved for Championship celebrations. Unless of course it is and all those homeless people on the streets of Boston are just celebrating every day. All I’m saying is that the celebration that followed the securing of banner #17 was exactly as it should be. A few drunks making a mess while everyone else was celebrating in good cheer and awkwardly high fiving complete strangers. Wicked awesome!
And today we have a parade. I myself am looking forward to seeing the flatbed truck carrying the Celtics Dancers. I think it is safe to say that not only did the Celts prove to be a better franchise than the Lakers, but also we have clearly overtaken the Laker Girls for overall cheerleader hotness. I know that Red was against them but does anyone else think that maybe if he had lived to see them he might have thought “hmmm….maybe this isn’t the worst idea”. I am all for tradition and I know Red didn’t want the Celtics Dancers, but lets face it, if Red would roll over in his grave because of some hot dancing ladies, I can’t imagine what he would think about Gino.
I hope to get out there to see some of the duck boats today, but I am mostly going to hop on youtube and try to find the 86 Championship parade. You know, the one where Larry says the only place he’d rather be is French Lick? Why can’t we do it this way anymore!?!?! I also read that they are going to give the players microphones. As much as I loved it, would any television station be crazy enough to give KG a mic to speak into again? Has there ever been more f-bombs in a victory speech?
Currently, I can hear helicopters outside, which can only mean the parade has begun! Lets hope there aren’t anymore eligible bachelors with weak bladders out there today.

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